
Batteries critical components for smart door locks

What kind of batteries should we use for smart door locks is a question we get asked on a daily basis.

Best and Perfect Battery Solutions : Alkaline batteries should always be used.

The best brands include Elecorev , Energizer, Duracell, and Panasonic.

Batteries should be replaced every 8 to 10 months.

Every six months, thoroughly inspect for battery leaking.

Lithium, carbon-zinc, and rechargeable batteries should all be avoided.

Only alkaline batteries are recommended for best results. These batteries are the most compatible with smart door locks and can last up to 12 months depending on how often you use them.

Elecorev, Energizer, Duracell, and Panasonic are the brands to look for. To avoid battery liquid leakage, batteries should be replaced every 8 to 10 months as a rule of thumb. We do not recommend leaving batteries in the lock for more than a year because the battery cell swells owing to chemical changes as it nears the end of its existence. This could increase the likelihood of battery liquid leaks during that time.

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